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Additional Type Specifications


For your convenience, all dates are represented as an object with two date formats:

"iso": "2022-04-29T21:37:49.000Z", // ISO 8601 date-time string
"ts": 1651268269, // Unix timestamp, in seconds


Answers to extra form questions and checkboxes specified on the activation.
Each extra object has the following keys:

  • type (string): The type of the extra option. Possible values: "text", "checkbox", "dropdown".
  • name (string): The label of the question displayed in the activation.
  • internal_name (string|null): The name used internally to identify the question.
    • For example, a checkbox titled "By clicking this, I confirm I am 18+" might have an internal name like "18+ Checkbox".
  • value (string|null): The value entered by the entrant. For checkboxes, the value is 1 or 0, for checked and unchecked.


  • title (string): The title of the prize.
  • subtitle (string): The subtitle of the prize.


  • type (string): The type of media uploaded, either "photo" or "video".
  • url (string): A temporary link to the original uploaded media. Expires in 4 hours after the API response is returned.
  • caption (string|null): For contests only, the caption added by the entrant.


  • round (number) The round of the bracket active at the time the vote was cast.
  • name (string) The name of the contestant that the entrant voted for.
  • seed (number) The original seed of the contestant that the entrant voted for. Use this to uniquely identify contestants.


For giveaways that have geofencing enabled on prizes, the postalCode key will be available for all entrants.
In all other cases, mailing addresses are only collected for entrants who won a prize that is to be mailed.

Currently, complete mailing addresses are only supported for the USA.

  • streetAddress (string|null): The primary line of the entrant's street address.
  • streetAddressSecondary (string|null): The second line of the entrant's street address.
  • city (string|null): The city portion of the address.
  • state (string|null): The two-letter USPS abbreviation of the entrant's US state.
  • postalCode (string|null) The postal code portion of the address.


  • title (string): The title of the selected choice.


ScavengerSeat is an arbitrary JSON object, and its schema is determined by the customer.